Ahead of time. The virus mutates, so do we... with the d-genotype.

The first global PCV2 vaccine formulated with the d genotype

SUIGEN PCV2 is an inactivated vaccine against de porcine circovirus, it is the first available commercial vaccines (among international players) containing the d-genotype which is today the predominant genotype on the field in most regions of the world.


The first global PCV-2d vaccine formulated with the d-genotype to better fit predominant field challenges. 

Whole inactivated virus

Complete antigenic offer to stimulate the immune system

Sow vaccination

Innovative vaccination protocol that will include sow vaccination and diagnostic testing to adjust vaccination date of piglets

High antigenic titer

And vaccination management to ensure vaccination success


PCV-2 vaccines were able to counteract almost completely the devastating effect of the disease, with a dramatic decrease in mortality and clinical signs related to wasting

Piglets vaccination allows:
- Significant reduction of PCV-2 prevalence and clinical severity
- Lesser mortality and cull rates
- Improvement of ADWG and feed conversion rate
- Decrease in the frequency of co-infections
- Reduction of viral-induced microscopic PCV-2-SD-like lymphoid lesions and viral load in tissues and blood

A number of infectious agents have been described as potential PCV-2 triggers under experimental and field conditions:
- Porcine parvovirus (PPV)
- Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)
- Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
However, the list of infectious agents found in concomitance with PCV-2 cases under natural conditions is much more extensive.

Vaccination against PCV-2 does not only imply direct beneficial effects on pig productivity, but also contributes to reduction of antimicrobial use

An efficient and easy to use solution against PCV2:

1 shoot protects the piglets to the slaughter
1 mL for piglets with 21 days of age or more
Simple protocol of injection
Available on 10, 50 and 100 mL
Original adjuvant with W/O/W emulsion to offer a quick and delayed antigens release, with a highly safe formulation



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