
Vaccination to promote the health equilibrium and diseases prevention


Protect through Vaccination

Vaccination is a major act in the fight against infectious diseases in livestock. In Virbac, we have the objective of reducing the use of antibiotics in livestock farming.

We think that vaccines is a way to help to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance by preventing infection and the use of antibiotics.

Diseases have a big impact on the economy of the farm.

A disease that is not or not enough controlled has repercussions on the growth of the animals and so on the farm’s economy.

Indeed, if the animals are lower due to diseases, you will keep them and feed them longer to reach the selling weight. It seems essential for us to find solutions.

Our solutions

The vaccination workshop ranges from receiving vaccines on the farm to monitoring the performance of the animals. It is essential to perfectly control it and that each stage of this workshop is carried out with the biggest attention as possible.


Pr Kim Won Il

In Korea, the PCV2 vaccination is made in almost 100% of the farms. In spite of this vaccination, the PCV2 still causes important economic losses due to the lower weight daily gain and delayed time tomarket.

The main genotype which has been identified in the PCV2 positive tested cases by the Pr Kim Won 11 team is the genotype d, involved in about 90% of positive cases.

Thanks to laboratory and field studies, Pr Kim Won II thinks that there is possibly an interaction between maternally derived antibodies and piglets’ vaccination, based on seroconversion data and subsequent pigs protection.

Pr Tanja Opriessnig

Since the discovery of PCV2 in 1998, researchers tried to characterize PCV2 and found out that there were several genotypes.

Today, researchers found out at least eight different PCV2 genotype around the globe. Three of these genotypes have been particularly important in the pig population: PCV2a, PCV2b and PCV2d, the latest being now the most prevalent worldwide. The virulence of the PCV2 can vary from a strain to another in the same genotype, but there is not significant difference of virulence between the different genotypes.

The majority of PCV2 vaccines have been developed based on PCV2a genotype and later confirmed as cross protecting against other genotypes. However homologous genotype between vaccine and field strain would be preferable. 

Dr Eric Bousquet

Suigen PCV2 is the first global vaccine developed from a PCV2d strain which is the current predominant PCV2 genotype. It is characterized by its ready to use whole inactivated virus formulation, a high titer and a double emulsion (water in oil in water) insuring excellent tolerance and proper antigens release.

Suigen PCV2 has been tested in several Asian countries according to controlled and field conditions, showing induction of specific humoral and cell mediated immunity, reduction of viral burden and improvement of performances by comparison to non vaccinated animals. Moreover tolerance was excellent and both laboratory and field criteria were equivalent with reference vaccines.

Scientific articles about vaccination

Comparison of a porcine circovirus type 2a (PCV2a)- and PCV2d-based vaccine against a PCV2d challenge

PCV2d is now the predominant  genotype in Korea and has been previously  isolated in PCVAD cases in vaccinated herds.

Comparative safety and efficacy in sows and piglets of a PCV2 vaccine in Philippine field conditions

Objective of these studies were to assess safety and efficacy of a newly developed PCV2 vaccine based on the PCV2d genotype now predominant in many regions.

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We rely upon a team of dedicated professionals who support swine professionals by supplying them with innovative solutions and technical support to optimize their farming methods while promoting prevention.


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